13 October 2008

Came inside, have a look!!!

Hello and welcome all onboard!

This is my “live diary” as I like to call it! Throughout it I will try to capture and share with anyone that is interested, my ideas, my thoughts, all my experiments, good and bad ones and most certainly the process of this project that I am about to start.

And the project’s subject is… light. Yeap, light. It’s about how light is been used though time into filmmaking and how it has been an essential element of cinematography. Through the use of light I want to create a short film (a mixture of both animation and life action), expressing a variety of emotions and demonstrating the impact that light has upon the audience. And essentially exploit light as if it was an actual character itself.

Having this as a starting point and hoping that with a bit of luck I am gonna get the best out of this blog I am ready to go …

Enjoy the ride!!



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